I have been a long time ApplTV and ITunes movie user. I will buy movies I know that I may watch more than two times. I have a library now containing more than 210 movies. Or I used to have a library containing more than 210 movies. Now, for some reason, AppleTV and Itunes lists only 167 movies. This difference represents $860 of missing movies that i purchased in good faith. This is the third time I noticed missing movies. Whats the point of spending $20 to buy a movie if Apple desides to lose the movie right before you want to watch it?
missing 2009 korean movie download
I Had this issue about a year ago. Three Marvel movies disappeared from my library suddenly. iTunes/Apple said it wasn't their fault because I "should have downloaded them to my computer to use AirPlay in this event" and that I needed to contact Marvel. Marvel said it was an issue with iTunes and to contact them. iTunes/Apple gave me 6 free movie rentals as long as they were $4.99 or less (which doesn't equal the $45 I spent on the movies). When I complained further that it was pointless to have a streaming device if I couldnt stream movies I PAID for, especially for Apple to just REMOVE them without WARNING OR MY CONSENT from my digital library, and that I would therefore download EVERY movie I bought on iTunes (well over 100 movies and more than $1500 worth if they were at least $15 a pop) to an external hard drive and never purchase another movie through them again, the movies reappeared in my library over night. So they had the ability to return my purchase to me the entire time. But even when I showed them purchase numbers and receipts sent to me by Apple, they said it wasn't their fault and they couldn't help me any more than giving me 6 free (and really worthless when you think about it) movie rentals. Point is: complain and you'll get them back. Apple will cave and give you what you want. I know they say in their agreement that you should download and keep movies for personal use, and I have since adopted that, but the fact that I buy ALL my movies on my apple TV for STREAMING FROM MY CLOUD, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO WATCH THEM FROM MY CLOUD WHEN I WANT.
Warning to all users: Remind yourself to check your iTunes libraries every 90 days. Support can't go back beyond 90 days. That's the best they can do. I was also informed that a simple update can hide or delete your purchase. Wow, that's all i wanted to hear. I've put my life into Apple products (work and play). You can bet I won't ever buy a movie again. Some of my other purchases I use more often and would notice them missing straight away. But a movie is not something you watch every day. I stick to my Blue Rays Apple. Thanks for the confidence booster.
This is the movie studios that put this restriction in place. If you download the movie and put it in your personal iCloud Drive the file will remain available. However, if you stream the movie from iTunes directly you may run into issues due to the studio agreement Not Apple request. It the same deal with Vudu, Amazon, Google video etc.
When you purchase a movie on Apple TV it is not stored anywhere, it is simply streaming from the cloud. The iCloud drive that was referenced is the storage space used for documents in the cloud etc. It is the users responsibility to download the contents to a hard drive and have it backed up, the studio gave incorrect information because they are the ones who have the agreement in place and things are removed/changed by them and does apply to all digital services.
In the old days before on demand cloud streaming we'd have always downloaded a copy of the movie/tv show to iTunes (or AppleTV 1 itself), and then streamed the movie over the LAN from iTunes or direct from AppleTV 1's hard drive.
While I find movies, I didn't hide myself, hidden. My missing movies are just gone. They are not in my library anywhere. When I look for them they are all still available for purchase in the store. They want me to buy them all over again.
Ive had backed up items disappear from my hard drive. I have had movies bought in years past show up as being new in the library. I have also had plenty of movies previously downloaded show up in the que for things presently being downloaded. The computer program has always been fairly buggy & messed things up. End up with duplicates of some items & none of another.
To determine with more precision the extent of the class of non-climbing predicates that may embed a missing object infinitive, we conducted a corpus study on frWaC (Baroni et al. 2009), which is presented in the next section.
The corpus study was carried out on FrWaC (Baroni et al. 2009), a lemmatised and PoS-tagged 1.3 billion word web-harvested corpus of French. We decided on the corpus precisely because of this large size, since we were looking not just for a particular, somewhat infrequent construction, but for particular sub-cases of this construction (those that involve an embedded missing object).
Indeed, dig deeper into Apple's Terms of Service, and you'll see that it quietly warns that you may not be able to redownload content if it's "no longer offered on our Services." It's not hard to see why headlines like "Apple can delete the movies you purchased without telling you" started spreading around the web.
"Any movies you've already downloaded can be enjoyed at any time and will not be deleted unless you've chosen to do so. If you change your country setting, some movies may not be available to redownload from the movie store if the version you purchased isn't also available in the new country. If needed, you can change your country setting back to your prior country to redownload those movies."
Sure, Apple's statement doesn't say exactly what happened to da Silva's movies, or admit that Apple Support may have made a mistake when parsing the original response. But it clearly states that the company doesn't delete movies without your permission -- and that you should even be able to redownload movies from your "prior country" if they're not available in the new one.
The reason da Silva's missing movies got so much attention: they seemingly revealed Apple wouldn't stand by its customers if the studios tried to pull their films. We now know it's premature to say anything like that.
At least, that's how it's worked so far. We can't be sure what will will happen if Disney -- or any other content provider -- "recalls" a digital purchase, as a publisher did with an ebook of George Orwell's 1984 on Amazon back in 2009. It sounds like your "already downloaded" movies are safe, but what about cloud-based movies you've only ever streamed? Apple doesn't say.
NEWS[2019-03] PEBL Version 2.1 PEBL 2.1 has been released, with versions available for OSX, Windows, and windows version you can run without installing (the source will also compile and run on Linux). This addresses a lot of minor issues found by users of Version 2.0, and includes:Support for html get and post via curlSupport for parsing json, and implementing all translation files as .json files (instead of .csv)Migrating the sound system to use SDL_Mixer. Along with supporting sounds with lower latency, and things like panning, this will also permit loading .mp3, .ogg, and other common sound formats. Improved handling of UTF-8 text.Download PEBL 2.1 installer for WindowsDownload PEBL 2.1 for WindowsDownload PEBL 2.1 for OSX (OSX 10.7 or newer)How to install get started (Updated!)Older news[2018-01] PEBL Version 2.0 (Final) After a lot of testing, PEBL 2.0 is finally released! Along with substantial changes porting to SDL2 (which incorporates hardware video support, better internationalization, and a lot of fixes under the hood), we also include many new translations to tests in the test battery (Thanks to many international contributors), several new tests for the test battery, and changes too numerous to cover in detail. [2017-04] PEBL Version 2.0 Beta 4 I've released an update as PEBL 2-beta 4 officially numbered 2.0.4. This should address some installation problems occurrring with PEBL not appearing in the start menu on Windows, plus some other fixes that have trickled in over the past few months. MacOS has not been updated.[2016-09] PEBL Version 2.0 Beta 3[Update]. New beta 3 is now available on all platforms. This should fix problem on OSX. The second beta release of PEBL 2.0 is here. Along with updates and fixes in 2.0beta1, this includes a new translation scheme for the test battery. Now, to translate a test, you simply need to set your 2-letter language code in the launcher, select the test in the battery, and tlick the 'translate test' button. This will let you translate each instruction and label needed for the test. If no major problems are reported, this release will become PEBL 2.0. PEBL 2.0 beta3 is available both stand-alone and as an installable package for windows.Here is a video describing installation and some basic features of PEBL 2.0:[2016-09] PEBL Version 2.0 Beta After two years, version 2.0 of PEBL is in Beta release. This release involves a transition to hardware-accelerated graphics, and many updates and changes. The beta release is available on OSX as a package and on windows as a standalone executable (it does not need to be installed--just run it from your desktop). The final version of 2.0 will have updated documentation and improvements to translations and individual tests that don't yet appear in the beta release. I'd recommend using 0.14 (which will turn into 1.0) unless you are having specific problems with that release (such as most OSX users)If you find any problems with 2.0 beta 1, please send feedback on the forum or email.[2014-06] PEBL Version 0.14 The latest release of PEBL, version 0.14, is now available. As part of Version 0.14, we offer many new features including custom object support that allows for better object-oriented UI. As part of this, I have completely revamped the launcher to make it more polished and easier to use. One important addition this adds is the ability to set and change running parameters of tests in the battery. As a consequence, every single test battery test has been modified, and we have added at least ten new tests, bringing the total to around 100. Complete release notes are available here. Highlights to the test battery include new O-span, Sym-span, and reading-span tasks contributed by David Hegarty, an improved Iowa task contributed by Peter Bull, new code to do PAR-type scoring on the Wisconsin (Berg) card-sorting test, a dual n-back task, a Luck-and-vogel style change detection task, several verbal and memory tasks (DRM; probe-digit; ebbinghaus, brown-peterson, recognition memory, remote association task, paired-associates learning), some nice new scales (Berlin numeracy, handedness, big-five personality), Esposito's Bivalent Shape Task (a nonverbal stroop analog), and really to many improvements to list here.Also, we have started a crowd-funding campaign to help support future development of PEBL. When you launch the PEBL launcher, you will be given the option to donate to the project. Donors will be given a special access password allowing them immediate access to the launcher, and our eternal gratitude.In the coming weeks, I'll be making several getting started videos available via the PEBL Blog, to help new users.[2012-12]PEBL Version 0.13 and Test Battery 0.7The latest release of PEBL, version 0.13, is now available. Along with a lot of little fixes and updates, there are two major new functionalities that will impact users. First, the underlying list structure used by PEBL is now a vector, allowing constant-time access of arbitrary elements. This transition has some pretty nicebenefits for accessing elements efficiently, with very little drawback for the typical uses of PEBL. Next, we now support playback of movies and audio-media files via the waave library, which itself uses the ffmpeg library.Smaller changes include improved functions for handling screen size, network communication, improvements to the launcher, a change in how AddObject works when the object already has een added to a window,In the battery, I've changed every test so that they save data in .csv format for easier analysis, and they should also save in a data\ subdirectory. I've added several new tests to the test battery, including Salthouse's Connections task, a few memory tasks (one patterned on Ebbinghaus, the so-called Brown-Peterson test, the Dual N-Back test, Sternberg's memory scanning task, and others. Also, there is improved support for multi-user systems. Now, PEBL will launch the first time and copy files to your Documents folder.[2012-01-02]PEBL Version 0.12 and Test Battery 0.7The latest public release of PEBL, version 0.12, brings with it a lot of newfeatures and capabilities. Highlights include support for a numberof hardware interface devices, a new launcher, over 250 totalfunctions, audio input, and a number of new tests in the PEBL TestBattery, and many bug fixes and improvements. Some of the biggest andmost visible changes include: A new cross-platform launcher that is written in PEBLitself. The old launcher will probably still work if you want it to, but it is no longer possible to update it.The test battery has grown to nearly 60 tests, with many newtranslations.Basic support for many hardware devices, including joysticks, parallel port input/output, and serial port input and output, which allows use of a lot of USB devices such as the DLP-IO8, Cedrus RB button boxes, Lu's RTBox, and others.More forgiving interaction with your computer, including fallback screen resolutions, no more overwriting data files, better audio support, and improved filesystem access.[2010-07-23]PEBL Version 0.11 and Test Battery 0.6I've released the newest version of PEBL, version 0.11, and a new versionof the PEBL test battery, called 0.6. Version 0.11 contains a lot of under-the-hood fixes to memory management.Previously, PEBL had a number of memory leaks which could end up crashingthe system if it ran for too long. Most (all?) are now gone, which shouldimprove performance. Also, a new widget called a 'canvas' is available,which lets you create more complex widgets, do pixel-drawing and othercool stuff. Using it sometimes can (reliably) cause crashes the programon windows that I have not yet tracked down, so think of it as fairlyexperimental right now.Also, I've made a lot of progress toward enabling internationalizedexperiments. I've also now have translations of the BCST and BecharaGambling task into polish, chinese, and korean, and translation of TOLinto Spanish (and Portuguese soon). Those of you who want translatedversions of these tasks can now do translations of text strings and run byspecifying a two-character country code in the launcher. This comes at aslight cost--korean and chinese fonts are now included, making thedownload about 50% larger than last time. Also, I've moved to a defaultfont which handles western characters much better, so accents on mosteuropean languages should be handled seamlessly.Also, along with a windows installer, I'm releasing a stand-alone versionfor windows (in case you don't want to install it), and a .deb suitablefor some Ubuntu linux systems. I once again have PEBL running on OSX, andwill work toward a distributable version of PEBL 0.11 on OSX in the nearfuture.[2010-02-09]PEBL Test Battery Version 0.5 I've uploaded a new revision of the PEBL test battery, which I'm calling version 0.5. It is a drop-in replacement for the Battery Version 0.4 that comes with the last release of PEBL, and includes: Updates to Card sort and gambling task to support mouse control, easy internationalization, and improved visual feel. Improvements to the Tower of London to make it a full-fledged test. Substantial improvements to the trail-making test Several new tests that did not make it into previous batteries, including matchtosample; The match-to-sample test itemorder: The "item-order" test that appears in some traditional aptitude test batteries mspan: A new memory span test with visual-grid input. Available both as a staircase and a build-up method (sort of like the game Simon) probmon: Probability monitoring--watch 1-3 gauges for a noisy signal satest: A visual situation awareness monitoring task. timetap: A simple tapping test This brings to total number of tests in the battery to 37. The new battery can be downloaded here. You still need PEBL version 0.10 to run the battery, which must be downloaded separately. 2ff7e9595c